Monday, November 30, 2009

Autistic Liberation Front

The Autistic Liberation Front is what people with Autism call themselves through an online program called Second Life they can be whoever they want to be and there are many members which they can all communicate with each other. People with Autism should have the right to be accepted into society the way they are. Amanda the girl from video has Autism and can only communicate through the use of a computer and is a member of the Second Life program online and she says, "that she wouldn't want to be anything other then herself and that she is proud of being autistic." Amanda also goes on saying that, "Autism is a way of being rather then a disorder to be treated or cured and that they (Autism people) should not have to change for others benefits." I agree with Amanda and i also agree with a young boy from the video that describes a disability as a "difference of abilities" instead of a disability, which i strongly agree with him. To see the video and learn more about Amanda and others click on the link, "Second Life with Autism." Watching this video made conform even more in my beliefs that people should be accepted regardless. Amanda who can only communicate through the use of her computer is amazing. She has special programs in her computer that help her achieve what she wants, she has the freedom through the use of her computer with out it she wouldn't be able to communicate nor express herself. Many people should become more aware of the Second Life program and the different technologies offered in school and out of school to help those of "difference in abilities" to make their lives a lot easier. Technology has helped millions of people in this word with all the new voice activated, touch screen computers/ T.V and the built in computer in a wheelchair. Believe it or not many people would be lost without the help and use of technologie and divices. Even though Amanda cannot communicate in person but does so through the use of her computer and is Autistic does not mean that she is disabled and should have to change her ways to please others that are not Autistic and I strongly think that people with "difference of abilities" should be accepted the way they are.

Image site: iCLIPART for schools

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